The Benefits of Blackberry Brandy | (2024)

The Benefits of Blackberry Brandy | (1)

Blackberry brandy is commonly used for stomach upset.

Image Credit: Qanat Società Cooperativa/iStock/Getty Images

Brandy gets its name from the Dutch word brandewijin, or burnt wine. Dutch traders in the 17th-century distilled wine to preserve it during transport. Brandy is distilled by cooking wine, which causes the alcohol to condense while the water burns off and evaporates. The alcohol liquefies as it cools leaving brandy. Brandy is made from grapes and other fruits such as blackberries. Blackberry brandy is a popular aperitif and used as a flavoring in desserts and sauces.


Antioxidant Activity

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One of the health benefits of blackberry brandy is the antioxidant activity. Blackberry brandy contains vitamin C that is a by-product from the copper used in the distillation process. One shot, or 30 mls, provides around 90mg of vitamin C, according to Dr. Gordon Troup a researcher at Monash University's School of Physics. Troup noted in the article printed in the December 2005 issue of "Science Daily," that as the quality of the brandy increased, so too did the antioxidant benefits. Antioxidants help protect your body from damage by free radicals. Vitamin C also prevents scurvy, gout and boosts your immune system.

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Heart Healthy

Enjoying a glass of blackberry brandy is good for your heart. The alcohol in the brandy has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system, according to M. McKee in a review published in the August 1998 issue of the "Journal Of The Royal Society Of Medicine." The heart health benefits of blackberry brandy are only associated with moderate drinking. Findings from the various studies on drinking patterns in American and European men and women concluded that excess alcohol consumption was associated with an increased risk of heart attack and death.


Stress Reducer

Blackberry brandy helps reduce stress by relaxing you when drank in moderation. A 2007 study published in the 2007 issue of the "Journal of Abnormal Psychology" studied men between the ages of 21 and 25 in clinical stress situations. The subjects were divided into an alcohol group and a placebo group and put into a variety of stressful situations varying from computer tasks to presenting speeches. The study found that alcohol did reduce stress in the alcohol group, but it also limited the subjects' attention span.



Blackberry brandy is a fortified wine that generally contains around 30 to 60 percent alcohol. Always consume alcohol in moderation and drink responsibly. Pregnant women should not drink alcohol. If you are taking any medications, read the label warnings and consult with your doctor or health care provider before consuming and alcoholic beverage.



The Benefits of Blackberry Brandy | (2024)


The Benefits of Blackberry Brandy | ›

Blackberry brandy is packed with antioxidants, especially vitamin C, which helps protect against damage by free radicals. (For that reason, some advocates say it also helps prevent the spread of cancer, but I think that might be stretching it.)

Does blackberry brandy have any health benefits? ›

Blackberry brandy is packed with antioxidants, especially vitamin C, which helps protect against damage by free radicals. (For that reason, some advocates say it also helps prevent the spread of cancer, but I think that might be stretching it.)

What does brandy do to your body? ›

Because of brandy's natural warming properties, it helps induce healthy sleep. In addition to that, the antibacterial nature of the drink makes it great for strengthening the immune system. Brandy can help eliminate pathogens from a person's system and can boost the immune system thanks to its many antioxidants.

What does blackberry brandy do for a cold? ›

Boosts Immune System

Brandy has antibacterial components and its high proportion of alcohol helps to get rid of the cold, throat pain and coughing in no time. The perfect pairing of its warming nature and relaxing quality made it a trusted source to boost the immune system for hundreds of years.

Does blackberry brandy help you sleep? ›

Brandy has natural warming properties, which helps induce healthy sleep. Additionally, the antibacterial nature of brandy makes it very useful in helping strengthen the functioning of the immune system.

Should blackberry brandy be refrigerated? ›

It's completely fine to refrigerate your brandy after opening it if you'd like. This won't impact the shelf life or anything. Traditionally, brandy is either served at room temperature or on the rocks, so most people don't refrgigerate it.

Is brandy hard on the kidneys? ›

When functioning properly, alcohol is one of the toxins that your kidneys filter from your body. However, alcohol can dehydrate your system, impairing your kidneys' ability to function and maintain the right balance of fluids in your blood.

Does brandy affect your kidneys? ›

Alcohol causes changes in the function of the kidneys and makes them less able to filter the blood. Alcohol also affects the ability to regulate fluid and electrolytes in the body. When alcohol dehydrates (dries out) the body, the drying effect can affect the normal function of cells and organs, including the kidneys.

Is brandy good for the kidneys? ›

Drinking alcohol can affect many parts of your body, including your kidneys. A little alcohol—one or two drinks now and then—usually has no serious effects. But drinking too much can harm your health. It can also worsen kidney disease.

Does brandy help clear mucus? ›

It's usually consumed as an after-dinner drink. Brandy helps is cold and flu because of its strong anti-inflammatory properties which reduce pain in sore throat and also helps in clearing mucus. It's strong alcohol content is antibacterial.

Does brandy help sinuses? ›

Alcohol is not a treatment or cure for colds, and it does not act as a decongestant. Generally, health authorities do not recommend consuming alcohol during a cold.

Does brandy expire? ›

Open brandy won't go bad but it will lose its potency and flavor complexity within 6 months to 2 years of the seal being broken. Because brandy aficionados look to experience the full spectrum of the liquor's aroma and flavor, you'll want to serve newly opened brandy bottles when performing a brandy tasting.

What are 5 health benefits of blackberries? ›

Blackberries are low in calories, yet rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Blackberries contain a variety of nutrients, but are a particularly good source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese. Fiber is important for digestion and heart health, and helps you feel satisfied after meals.

Do blackberries detox your body? ›

Berries such as: blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries include powerful antoxidants called anthocyanins. These antioxidants give them their deep, dark color and help fight free radical damage. They can increase blood flow to the kidneys, helping them filter out toxins better.

Are blackberries good for your kidneys? ›

Strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are on the list of good fruit choices most Chronic Kidney Disease, and Dialysis patients can enjoy, and they are superfoods!

Which brandy is best for health? ›

For a drink with “brand” right there in its name, there are no “healthy” brands of brandy. Stop digging for excuses to have a glass of brandy, and just enjoy it in moderation.

Why do doctors recommend brandy? ›

Antioxidant Potential

As reported on ScienceDaily in December 2005, Dr. Troup and his team found that a shot of brandy contains the same antioxidant potential as 90 mg of vitamin C. These benefits are thought to come from the copper used during distillation, and they increase with the quality of the brandy.

How much sugar is in a shot of blackberry brandy? ›

Nutrition Facts
Net carbs9g
83 more rows

Is blackberry brandy the same as liquor? ›

While grapes are the most common, any fruit will do, and blackberry brandy is one of the most popular flavored brandies. In today's market, however, most blackberry brandy is sweetened, so it's very similar to blackberry liqueur, and the two can be used interchangeably in many drink recipes.


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