3 Simple Ways to Store Brandy After Opening It (2024)

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1Keeping the Brandy in the Bottle

2Using a Decanter

3Determining If Brandy Is Still Good

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Co-authored byEric McClure

Last Updated: December 13, 2022Tested

Nothing hits the spot quite like a smooth glass of brandy after a long day. Unfortunately, if you aren’t a frequent drinker, you may not have any plans on finishing the bottle any time soon. Brandy technically has an infinite shelf life, but the ingredients will start to deteriorate in quality after roughly 6 months, so try your best to polish that bottle off within a few months after opening it. If anything, a nice bottle of opened brandy is just a good excuse to invite a few friends over and enjoy some drinks!

Method 1

Method 1 of 3:

Keeping the Brandy in the Bottle

  1. 1

    Close the top securely with the cap or wine stopper. Take the original cap and put it back in the top of the bottle. If your bottle came with a cork, grab a wine stopper and insert it into the mouth of the bottle. Keep in mind, you can’t reuse a cork since corks degrade over time. They can also develop nasty odors and bacteria after a bottle has been opened.[1]

    • There’s nothing wrong with storing your brandy in its original bottle, especially if you have a fancy bottle and you want to show off the label.
  2. 3 Simple Ways to Store Brandy After Opening It (2)


    Set the brandy in a dry location away from direct sunlight. If you have a liquor cabinet, set your brandy inside along with your other bottles. Alternatively, you can set the brandy in a pantry, on top of your fridge, or in the basem*nt. Aim for an area where the temperature remains stable and there isn’t a lot of direct sunlight.[2]

    • It helps if the brandy stays a little on the cooler side, but the temperature won’t impact the brandy all that much so long as your home doesn’t get 80°F (27°C) or hotter.
    • You don’t typically refrigerate brandy, but you can if you’d like!
  3. 3 Simple Ways to Store Brandy After Opening It (3)


    Keep the bottle upright to keep the brandy off of the cap or wine stopper. Traditionally, brandy is stored upright to keep the brandy from brushing against the cork, which can disrupt the flavor of the liquor before it’s opened. It’s best to store your opened brandy upright for the same reason: to keep the cap or wine stopper from changing the brandy’s flavor.[3]

    • Storing your brandy upright also decreases the odds that you end up with a spill on your hands if the bottle isn’t completely sealed.
  4. 3 Simple Ways to Store Brandy After Opening It (4)


    Drink your brandy within 6 months for best results. Brandy doesn’t technically go bad, but the quality of the liquor will begin to deteriorate after 6 months have passed. If you can, finish your bottle within the next few months to preserve the flavors and get the most out of your brandy.[4]

    • You can write the date you opened the bottle on the brandy’s label if you think you may cut it close to that 6-month threshold.
    • The amount of air in your bottle may have a small impact on the quality of the brandy over time. If you only have a few fingers of brandy left in the bottle, try to finish it within the next 2-3 months if you really care about the flavor. You may not notice a huge impact if you drink it after 4-5 months, though.


Method 2

Method 2 of 3:

Using a Decanter

  1. 1

    Select a cool decanter to display your brandy with style. If you have a nice decanter, this is the best way to display your brandy if you want a more aesthetically-pleasing presentation. Take your decanter out of storage or take it off of your bar and set it out on your countertop. Wash your decanter out and let it air dry if you haven’t used it or cleaned it in a while.[5]

    • A decanter is designed to help open up wine by exposing it to a small amount of oxygen. This process doesn’t do anything for brandy. The only reason to use a decanter is if you don’t like random bottles sitting out around your home.
    • If you have a cheaper bottle of brandy, a nice decanter is a great way to present your brandy without tipping others off that you’re drinking the cheap stuff.
  2. 3 Simple Ways to Store Brandy After Opening It (6)


    Pour the brandy into the decanter carefully and close the top. Open the top of your decanter and remove the top of your brandy. Hold the neck of your brandy against the rim of the decanter’s mouth. Slowly and carefully tilt the bottle up and pour your brandy into the decanter. Empty your bottle out and discard it. Then, put the cap on your decanter and check the seal around the cap to make sure the bottle is airtight.[6]

    • If your brandy came in a dark bottle, set a small light down next to the decanter before pouring your brandy. This will make it much easier to see the neck of the bottle as you pour.
    • You can use a clean funnel to make pouring easier if you’d like.
  3. 3 Simple Ways to Store Brandy After Opening It (7)


    Set the decanter on your bar or in a visible location to show it off. Choose a prominent, highly-visible location to show off your decanter. The bar is the traditional option, but a liquor cart, or a small table is great choice as well. If you can, keep the decanter out of direct sunlight to keep the quality as high as possible.[7]

  4. 4

    Drink your brandy in the next 4-6 months for ideal taste. Brandy will start to deteriorate after 6 months, and the decanter has a small chance of letting some air into your liquor. In addition, a decanter won’t keep light from disrupting the ingredients the way a dark bottle will. Keeping this in mind, your brandy may start to turn a little faster than it normally would in the original bottle. Try to finish your brandy within 4 months to enjoy it while it’s still good.[8]

    • Your brandy may still be perfectly fine if you don’t get to it in 4 months. You may not notice much of a difference anyway. You will almost certainly taste the difference if you wait more than 6 months, though.
    • A small amount of brandy may deteriorate a little faster than a nearly-full decanter. If your decanter isn’t particularly full, try to finish the brandy in the next 2-3 months.


Method 3

Method 3 of 3:

Determining If Brandy Is Still Good

  1. 3 Simple Ways to Store Brandy After Opening It (9)


    Toss your brandy after 1 year if you want a decent-tasting drink. An opened bottle of brandy will be pretty hard to drink after 1 year has passed, so you’re better off pouring it down the drain if you’d prefer to not drink soured brandy. It isn’t dangerous to drink old brandy if it has been opened, but the odds are low that you’ll get much enjoyment out of it.[9]

    • The high alcohol content of brandy keeps it from developing bacteria or mold, but oxidation can break down some of the ingredients and damage the flavor. Once the brandy is exposed to air, the ingredients essentially start turning. This takes a long time to happen, but the oxygen will eventually ruin any non-alcoholic ingredients in your liquor.
  2. 3 Simple Ways to Store Brandy After Opening It (10)


    Assume the brandy is still good if it’s been less than 6 months. If it hasn’t been more than 6 months and you weren’t storing the brandy in the sun or in an unopened container, your brandy is almost certainly going to be tasty even if it doesn’t taste brand new. You can skip all of the guessing, smelling, and inspection and jump right to the drinking if you haven’t had the bottle for more than 6 months.[10]

  3. 3 Simple Ways to Store Brandy After Opening It (11)


    Smell the brandy to assess the aroma if it’s been 6-12 months. Appraising whether a brandy has soured or gone flat is largely a guessing game, but you can generally tell if the brandy is good or not just by smelling it. Open the top and take a sniff of the liquor. If it smells smooth, fruity, spirited, and sweet, you’re good to go. If you smell anything else, your brandy may have started to deteriorate.[11]

    • Brandy is made out of distilled wine, but there may be a variety of other ingredients and fruits added to your specific brandy. There is no iconic brandy “smell” the way there is for gin, vodka, and bourbon, so you may have to trust your gut a little.
  4. 3 Simple Ways to Store Brandy After Opening It (12)


    Taste a small sip to see if the flavor is pleasant as a final test. If you still aren’t sure if the brandy is good or not, a taste test is in order. Pour 1–2 teaspoons (4.9–9.9mL) of your brandy into a glass and take a small sip. If the brandy tastes fine to you, it’s time to enjoy! If it tastes terrible, just pour it out. If it doesn’t taste phenomenal but it still feels drinkable, some mixed drinks may be in order.[12]

  5. 5

    Mix the brandy into some co*cktails if it’s a little off but still fine. If you’re on the fence about drinking your brandy and pouring it, you can mask the flavor of the slightly-off brandy with some additional ingredients. Brandy is a great base for a brandy Manhattan, sidecar, Pisco Sour, or Jack Rose. You can also mix the brandy with some co*ke, lemonade, or sweet tea for a simpler option.[13]

    • This is probably your best bet if the brandy isn’t in pristine condition but you know you’ll feel guilty about pouring an expensive bottle down the drain. Mixers and co*cktail ingredients should mask some of the more questionable notes in the brandy.


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      • It’s completely fine to refrigerate your brandy after opening it if you’d like. This won’t impact the shelf life or anything. Traditionally, brandy is either served at room temperature or on the rocks, so most people don’t refrgigerate it.[14]


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      • Brandy never expires in a traditional sense, but it may taste pretty nasty if the bottle was opened more than 1 year ago. Still, it’ll be perfectly safe to drink.


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      3 Simple Ways to Store Brandy After Opening It (27)

      Co-authored by:

      Eric McClure

      wikiHow Staff Writer

      This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Eric McClure. Eric McClure is an editing fellow at wikiHow where he has been editing, researching, and creating content since 2019. A former educator and poet, his work has appeared in Carcinogenic Poetry, Shot Glass Journal, Prairie Margins, and The Rusty Nail. His digital chapbook, The Internet, was also published in TL;DR Magazine. He was the winner of the Paul Carroll award for outstanding achievement in creative writing in 2014, and he was a featured reader at the Poetry Foundation’s Open Door Reading Series in 2015. Eric holds a BA in English from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and an MEd in secondary education from DePaul University. This article has been viewed 15,031 times.

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      Co-authors: 4

      Updated: December 13, 2022


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      3 Simple Ways to Store Brandy After Opening It (2024)


      3 Simple Ways to Store Brandy After Opening It? ›

      Brandy and other types of alcohol are stored in a similar way. It should be in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight and temperature fluctuations. It's important to keep the bottle tightly sealed to prevent evaporation.

      How do you store brandy after opening? ›

      If you have a liquor cabinet, set your brandy inside along with your other bottles. Alternatively, you can set the brandy in a pantry, on top of your fridge, or in the basem*nt.

      Should you keep brandy in the fridge? ›

      Speaking of refrigeration, it is perfectly okay to store any and all spirits in the fridge or freezer.

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      Storage tips

      Cognac should be stored upright in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight and temperature fluctuations, just like any fine wine. Additionally, ensuring a tight seal on the bottle helps prevent oxidation, preserving the freshness and vitality of the spirit.

      How to store liquor after opening? ›

      Cap open bottles tightly and store them upright.

      “Stick the stopper on the bottle, absolutely keep it out of the heat and sunlight, and try to store it in cool, dark conditions.” He also advises keeping spirit bottles stored upright, not on their sides. This is particularly important for those with cork closures.

      Should you put brandy in the freezer? ›

      If you're storing booze in your freezer, you're doing yourself a disservice. Technically, you can get away with it since the ethanol content in a bottle of liquor prevents it from freezing over in a household freezer, but just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do it.

      Is brandy supposed to be chilled? ›

      Brandy is usually served in a wide-bottomed, short-stemmed glass at room temperature. To fully enjoy the brandy, hold your glass in your hands before taking a sip. This will only enhance the taste of the drink. You should drink brandy slowly and keep it in your mouth for a while before swallowing.

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      You'll know if your liquor has gone bad if you detect any changes in color or smell, although it's uncommon. Is it okay to drink expired alcohol? After a bottle of alcohol has expired, it's okay to drink but the alcohol content will be decreased.

      Should brandy be stored on its side? ›

      Store Upright, But Don't Forget to Wet the Cork. Although this goes against the rules for wine, liquor should never be stored on its side.

      Should you let brandy breathe? ›

      Serve immediately. Brandies do not need to breathe like wine does. If you let it sit for too long then some of the volatile alcohols will evaporate. This will lose some of the character of the brandy.

      What is the difference between cognac and brandy? ›

      Examples of brandy include pisco, armagnac or Obstler (a brandy produced in Austria and Switzerland). Cognac, however, is always made with grapes and has a very specific distillation and blending process located in a small, protected area in the southwest of France. considered as brandy, but not all brandy is cognac.”

      Can you drink 40 year old cognac? ›

      Odds are that you'll go bad before the Cognac does. The few drops I got from a tiny bottle of 1875 were very good. Had a 40 year old 2 weeks ago that was a wowzer ! I follow the same rule for all my spirits - more than 1/3-1/4 of bottle, do nothing (other than keep out of direct light).

      How do you store expensive cognac? ›

      Similar to fine wines, Cognac should be stored away from direct light, especially sunlight. Extended light exposure can degrade the quality of your cognac over time, leading to a faded color, modified taste, and general expiration of the alcohol. A dark cellar or cabinet serves as an ideal place to store your bottles.

      Which liquors go bad after opening? ›

      Once opened, distilled spirits like whiskey and gin won't expire or become unsafe to consume, but they may start to taste “off” after 1–3 years. Liqueurs, opened, will usually last 6 months–1 year. Vermouths and other wine-based spirits like vino amari should be refrigerated and consumed within 6–8 weeks.

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      He recommends storing open and sealed bottles of liquor out of direct sunlight and at room temperature or slightly cooler, around 68 to 72°F. If your bottle has a cork closure, as is the case for many whiskeys,aged rums, and tequilas, moisture is also important.

      What alcohols need to be refrigerated after opening? ›

      If you're having trouble discerning between liquor that's been distilled versus booze that's been processed through timed fermentation, Montagano suggests a helpful blanket rule: If your booze is wine-based, or has under 15% alcohol, it's worth keeping in the fridge.

      How long does brandy last in the bottle? ›

      Unopened bottles of whisky and brandy last indefinitely if sealed properly and kept in a cool, dark place. Unlike wine, its maturing stops once bottled so you won't notice more flavour but at the same time, it won't degrade.

      Do you warm brandy before drinking? ›

      Warm the glass in your palm.

      The heat from your hand will open up the molecules in the liquor and release the aromas in the drink. Some brandy connoisseurs may even heat the brandy over an open flame to speed up this process. You can warm the glass with warm water before serving.

      Is brandy always served at room temperature? ›

      Brandy is traditionally served at room temperature (neat) from a snifter, a wine glass or a tulip glass. When drunk at room temperature, it is often slightly warmed by holding the glass cupped in the palm or by gentle heating.


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