Region 1 (Eastern)
Region 2 (North Central)
Region 3 (South Central)
Region 5 (Southwest)
This report summarizes recent, noteworthy activities of Wildlife Program field and headquarters staff, arranged by four divisions: Game, Lands, Science, and Wildlife Diversity, and six regions: Eastern, North Central, South Central, North Puget Sound, Southwest, and Coastal, including wildlife areas within those regions.
Region 1 (Eastern)
Managing Wildlife Populations
Prairie Grouse: Biologists Lowe and Brinkman attended the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 34th biennial Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop in Wenatchee. Lowe and Brinkman assisted with setup and staffing the registration desk during the first two days of the meeting. Both biologists joined during the field trip day to tour the area around Wenatchee where the group visited various habitat restoration sites. Attendees learned about different programs available to landowners for maintaining sage grouse habitat, viewed known lek sites for both sage and sharp-tailed grouse, and checked out a riparian restoration project on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) property near Jameson Lake.
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Efforts:Acting Private Lands Biologist Heitstuman responded to the CWD Hotline and recovered a sample reported by the Washington Department of Transportation. Heitstuman relayed information to other employees for CWD sampling opportunities in their areas of responsibility. Heitstuman reviewed the current plan for management of CWD with the recent positive case in the Spokane area.
Chronic Wasting Disease: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Harris attended the Chronic Wasting Disease tactics meeting to discuss CWD operations in District 2. Harris also spoke on the phone with a Spokane landowner regarding a sick deer on their property. Harris directed the landowner to fill out and submit a CWD report on the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) website.Harris submitted a CWD sample that was collected by a hunter that harvested a cow elk with a damage tag in GMU 124.
County Fair Circuit: Natural Resource Technician Moberg registered WDFW booths at the Walla Walla, Columbia, and Garfield County fairs to provide outreach on the Chronic Wasting Disease program. The Walla Walla County fair will be August 28 - September 1, the Columbia County fair will be September 6 - September 8, and the Garfield County fair will be September 13 - September 15.
Deer Surveys:Biologist Brinkman conducted a pre-hunt roadside deer survey in Spokane County. This was the first of many roadside deer surveys that will be conducted over the next two months by WDFW staff and volunteer members. These surveys are conducted for around two to three hours in the morning or evening when deer are most active. The surveys consist of driving routes through different parts of the district, recording the number of individuals and composition of each group of deer observed (i.e., ratios of buck to does and fawns to does). When compared with previous years’ surveys and combined with harvest data, these surveys can help indicate population stability or upward/downward trends.
Malnourished Deer:Private Lands Biologist Nizer and Natural Resource Technician Rumiser received information from a local that he had a sick looking deer on his property. Nizer and Rumiser went to the property to look for deer but there was no sign. The reporting party sent a photo of the deer and Nizer showed Wildlife Conflict Specialist Harris to see what could be done. Unfortunately, there was nothing that could be done for the deer and nature will have to take its course.
Chronic Wasting Disease Sampling:Natural Resource Technician Edmondson and Keeling went to collect a whitetail doe head from a landowner who had harvested the deer via a damage tag near the Daisy Boat Launch and brought the head back to the Colville office to collect a CWD sample.
Natural Resource Technician Edmondson accompanied Wildlife Conflict Specialist Samsill to meet with a landowner just outside of Colville to collect two cow elk heads that had been harvested earlier in the week via landowner kill permits. Those heads were brought back to the Colville office and CWD samples were collected.
Grizzly Bear:Due to concerns related to grizzly 1068 milling around the same stand of timber (per GPS) and in relative proximity to human structures, Natural Resource Technician Keeling and Edmondson assisted Wildlife Conflict Specialist Bennett with locating the bear. Keeling and Edmondson learned the basics of tracking via telemetry and were able to locate two scat piles while assessing the habitat on foot. In addition to thimbleberries and Oregon grape being plentiful, the scat showed no presence of human foods or garbage and appeared to almost completely consist of berries. While examining the scat, the bear’s signal was heard on the telemetry equipment, prompting the team to return to the truck and leave the area.
Providing Recreation Opportunities
Rainbow Lake Algae Bloom: Rainbow Lake continues to have an algal bloom. Bluish plaques appeared again this week and photos were sent to the Columbia County Health Department. Wildlife Area Manager Dingman continued researching treatment options and worked to get an internal meeting set up to discuss how to move forward.
Water Access Areas Management:North Region 1 Water Access Area Manager Dziekan met with Mr. Prettyman of Prettyman’s Septic Service at Fan Lake and Loon Lake Water Access Areas, to empty the vault toilets. It took about an hour at each site. The process started with removing garbage with litter pickers, shovels, and rakes. Bob then pumped the vault liquid level down a bit, which freed up more trash that was trapped at the top of the vault and the pair then pulled that garbage out. During the process, about a dozen bags of garbage totaling 300 pounds came out of the two vaults. This trash was promptly taken to the dump, then Dziekan bleached and washed the dump trailer. It’s sad and frustrating that the public sees Water Access Area toilets as a convenient place to dump all sorts of garbage.
Rainbow Lake Stump Removal:The Yakima Construction Shop was on-site this week to complete the stump removal from the dam on the north end of Rainbow Lake.
Providing Conflict Prevention and Education
KXLY Interview: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Harris met with a reporter from KXLY to interview for a story on being bear aware and safe recreation practices while huckleberry picking.
Asotin Aggressive Hawk:Wildlife Conflict Specialist Wade received a report of five redtail hawks attacking a city of Asotin homeowner’s dog. The reporting party (RP) explained that the five hawks attacked their small dachshund every time the dog is let out.Wade discussed some possible deterrents that may help address the issue and the RP’s constitutional right to protect their property. Wade will follow up with the RP next week and see if any of the deterrents were effective.
Conserving Natural Landscapes
New UTV Sprayer: Wildlife Area Manager Finch and Wildlife Area Assistant Manager Wagner picked up a new custom-built sprayer from Ag Enterprise in Cheney, Washington for the other UTV at the wildlife area. Finch and Wagner also went to the Reardan Audubon Wildlife Area to hoe some larger weeds in the parking lot, replace the toilet paper in both bathrooms, and pick litter. Wagner also took the sprayer up to spray weeds along the trail and parking lot.
Forest Habitat Regeneration:Sherman Creek Wildlife Area Assistant Manager Palmer checked on the half-section parcel of LeClerc Creek Wildlife Area this week. He noted that it’s nice to see the fruits of all the forest restoration work done at West Branch LeClerc Creek Wildlife Area in the last several years. Various portions of the parcel were commercially thinned to remove lodgepole pine and grand fir, treated with prescribed fire, and subjected to mechanical removal of lodgepole pine. The portions were then replanted to western larch and western white pine. Natural regeneration of ponderosa pine and Douglas fir has occurred, and evergreen ceanothus has really taken off this year. Much of this improvement is a great response to the prescribed burning from a few years ago.
Duck Stamp:Private Lands Biologist Nizer Natural Resource Technician Rumiser mowed a marsh with the marshmaster to accomplish goals for the Duck Stamp funded project.
Fishtrap Toilet Damage:This week Area Manager Dziekan and Natural Resource Technician Brant made the rounds in District 2. A stop was made at Fishtrap Access Site to find someone had backed into the toilet enclosure so hard that it moved one of the toilets up off the base. Dziekan reached out to the locals to see if anyone saw anybody that could have caused this damage.
Chief Joseph Wildlife Area Foodplots:Elk continue to heavily use irrigated food plots at the Chief Joseph Wildlife Area. The alfalfa has been grazed right back to the ground. The sorghum/sunflowers are also being heavily used by elk. Numerous small birds are using the sorghum where there are heads forming that have not been eaten by elk.
4-O Ranch Wildlife Area Gates: Wildlife Area staff members began gathering materials and tools to repair burned and damaged gates on the 4-O Ranch Wildlife Area.Though still officially closed, it won’t be long before the public will be allowed to travel Couger Creek and Grouse Flats roads where our damaged gates are at. On Thursday, Natural Resource Technician Nielsen, Wildlife Area Manager Dice, and Natural Resource Technician Hammons spent all day installing a new 10” x 10” steel post to re-hang the McNeill gate on.The post was set in concrete.The rental mixer that was brought down failed to operate and concrete had to be mixed by hand in five-gallon buckets and an old salt tub found in one of the nearby barns. It took nearly a full pallet of concrete to finish the job.The next step is to weld the gate to the post and set the other post where the lock and pin will be installed. Several other gates need the same type of repair.All repairs and replacements will be done with all steel materials.
Conducting Business Operations and Policy
General Facilities and Equipment Maintenance and Repairs:Sherman Creek Wildlife Area staff members kept sprinklers running and lawns mowed at headquarters. Wildlife Area Assistant Manager Palmer swept out dirt and cobwebs at the Wildlife Area headquarters, for a fresh, clean facility with which to greet new employee Graves later this month.
Fire at Swanson Lakes Wildlife Area:This week a fire was reported by the fence crew at the Swanson Lakes Wildlife Area. Both Wildlife Area Manager Finch and Wildlife Area Assistant Manager Wagner were in Cheney, Washington when the page went out from the sheriff’s office. Finch stayed in contact with local fire fighters and was advised that the fire would soon be under control due to the road location and the direction of the wind.The fire started along a WDFW fence-line and moved to the south towards the road which burnt, mostly on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).Only a few square feet of property were burnt on WDFW land.
Newman Lake Issue with Floating Docks:Access Manager Dziekan received a report this week of a person who fell between a large gap in between the docks. Dziekan and Natural Resource Technician Brant went out to Newman Lake to identify the issue with the wide gap in between the docks. As was suspected by Dziekan, there were bolts missing that held the docks together therefore widening the gap between the docks.Dziekan and Brant brought a magnet with them on a rope and were successful at retrieving one of the bolts and nuts but had to make a trip into Spokane to a company called “Fasteners” to get the additional hardware to bolt the docks back into place.
Region 2 (North Central)
Managing Wildlife Populations
Lynx Surveys:Biologists Fitkin and Heinlen conducted 30-day checks of remote cameras deployed for lynx as part of the Cascades Carnivore Monitoring Project. Early returns include detections of the target critter, unusual photos, and photos of other species of interest. Cameras will be retrieved in another month or so.
Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN): Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and Western Washington University intern Steinshouer spent a day in the field with Biologist Heinlen learning more about what a WDFW Biologist does. Intern Steinshouer was a fast learner and quickly spotted a western bumble bee (Bombus occidentalis) foraging on Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus). The western bumble bee is one of three SGCN bumble bee species WDFW documents when observed.
Pygmy Rabbits:Biologist Morris helped the pygmy rabbit crew with trapping in one of the semi-wild breeding enclosures. They were lucky and excited to catch 24 rabbits. Due to the number of rabbits and the hot dry temperatures, many of the rabbits were in poor body condition. Biologists in charge of the pygmy rabbit recovery project will decide what needs to be done to try and help as many rabbits as possible to survive the summer.
After a long wave of high temperatures, the pygmy rabbit recovery team was able to conduct another round of trapping. Trapping took place both inside and outside of a temporary breeding enclosure within Beezley Hills. A total of over 30 individual pygmy rabbits were captured, seen, or detected with the large PIT-tag scanner.
The main enclosure in the area was expected to contain around 12-15 individuals. However, the team successfully captured 24 pygmy rabbits including several unmarked kits born earlier this year and two adult rabbits that had not been captured prior to 2022.
Due to the success of the breeding enclosure, the next step will be to select young rabbits with the best overall body condition to be relocated a short distance to a second breeding enclosure. This will allow for more space and foraging among the rabbits until lead biologists determine which rabbits will be kept in breeding enclosures or which will be released into the wild in the future.
Northern Leopard Frog Releases:Technician Force assisted with the soft release of captive-reared northern leopard froglets on the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge. These frogs were raised from egg masses by two different zoos to boost their chances of survival. After spending a week in soft release pens to further protect them from predation, the froglets will be released into a pond where extensive bullfrog management has taken place. This will hopefully establish a new breeding population of this state endangered species within their native range.
Pygmy Rabbit Captures: Biologists Turnock and Gallie, and Technicians Hara and Force assisted with pygmy rabbit captures in the Beezley Hills area. These captures yielded 27 wild and semi-captive rabbits, who were then vaccinated for rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus as part of a trial to test the efficacy of two different vaccines for this disease. These captures also provided an opportunity to evaluate breeding success and body condition of rabbits within the enclosure. The Beezley Hills enclosure currently has approximately 30 rabbits, and most are juveniles from this year’s breeding efforts. With a high number of rabbits in the enclosure and drought season at its peak, the rabbits have been receiving fresh greens to supplement their diet.
Providing Recreation Opportunities
Private Lands Hunting Opportunities System:Biologist Cook participated in demonstrating the current methods for managing Private Lands Hunting Opportunities to a team of contractors running a feasibility study for creating a replacement program. Cook helped show the system from the private lands biologist, hunter, and landowner perspective and discussed its current limitations. Cook further participated in several feedback sessions where private lands biologists, section managers, and WDFW IT staff members discussed the future requirements and needs of a replacement system.
Potential Waterfowl Habitat and Access Properties:Biologist Cook and Technician Blanchard marked the agriculture fields with corn growing currently to create a plan for outreach to landowners to provide field hunting opportunities for geese and possibly ducks. The number of sites will depend on the remaining funding from a VPA-HIP (Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program) grant that WDFW previous was awarded.
Providing Conflict Prevention and Education
Depredation Investigation: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Heilhecker, along with enforcement officers, investigated an injured calf within the Sullivan Creek pack territory. It was confirmed the injury was caused by a wolf. U.S. Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) was notified of the determination. A WDFW contracted range rider continues to work in the area.
Conserving Natural Landscapes
Habitat Project:Biologist Morris and Technician Blanchard mowed weeds on a habitat improvement project on private lands in Grant County. The area has been sprayed in the past, and there is very little cheatgrass. However, the Russian thistle and annual kochia had grown quite large. Mid to late-summer mowing generally works well to control these weeds. Since there wasn’t much cheatgrass, the kochia and Russian thistle are still green. Fire danger was lower than it normally would be at this time, making it possible to mow. Morris and Blanchard kept a water tank on-site and were able to safely mow the weeds.
Providing Education and Outreach
2024 WAFWA Grouse Workshop (Wenatchee, Washington):Private Lands Biologist Braaten gave a tour stop presentation on the importance of private landowner relationships and the design of the State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement Conservation Reserve Program Farm Bill program. Braaten discussed the realities of conservation to landowners in Douglas County. Braaten also brought along the new Private Lands Program tree/shrub planter to show tour participants the kind of equipment WDFW uses in habitat restoration projects. The field trip portion of workshop was a big hit, providing a great opportunity to connect and share knowledge with partners.
WAFWA grouse workshop:Biologist Turnock, Technicians Hara, and Force attended the biennial Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies’ Sage and Sharp-tailed Grouse workshop in Wenatchee. This conference included attendees from a variety of western states who are all working on grouse research and management. Talks included topics such as habitat use, translocations, genetics, raven management, and renewable energy. Overall, the conference emphasized the numerous threats faced by sage and sharp-tailed grouse, but also showcased the research efforts vital to the conservation of these species.
EV: During August, Biologist Morris is testing out an all-electric pickup truck. Morris’ experience driving the electric vehicle (EV) will help WDFW determine how electric vehicles fit the business needs of the agency and private lands biologists.
Region 3 (South Central)
Managing Wildlife Populations
Region 3 Pre-season Duck Banding:District 8 Wildlife Assistant Biologist Moore, District 4 Wildlife Biologist Fidorra, and Statewide Waterfowl Specialist Wilson have deployed swim in traps. This aims to capture and band ducks for harvest management and to gather information on survival and distribution. The information from recaptured and reported waterfowl bands is used to model harvest, recruitment, and survival, which impact hunting regulations and sex-specific limits.
Wenas Wildlife Area—Fence Repair:Wenas Wildlife Area Technician Janes and Lands and Recreation Specialist Frame worked with Department of Natural Resources (DNR) wildland firefighters to repair holes in the elk fence which had been cut while firefighters worked to contain the Black Canyon Fire.
Oak Creek Wildlife Area Elk Fence Repair:Oak Creek Wildlife Area Assistant Manager Charlet has started repairing elk fence that was cut and removed while firefighters were working to protect critical infrastructure from the Retreat Fire.
Providing Recreation Opportunities
Wenas Wildlife Area—Durr Rd Shooting Benches:Wenas Wildlife Area Natural Resource Technicians Janes and Stoltenow prepped and installed several shooting benches and tables at the Durr Rd shooting range. These tables included handicap accessible tables at both the long and short ranges.
Wenas Wildlife Area—Sheep Co. Shooting Range Repair:Wenas Wildlife Area Natural Resource Technicians Janes and Stoltenow replaced target stands that had been made unusable by bullet impact. New stands were welded in their place and put lower to avoid impacts in the future.
Providing Conflict Prevention and Education
Wenas Wildlife Area—Durr Rd Boundary Signs:Wenas Wildlife Area staff members installed boundary signs surrounding the impact zone of the Durr Rd shooting range. These signs warn those of the potential danger when entering the impact area.
Oak Creek Wildlife Area Closure Signage: Oak Creek Wildlife Area Assistant Manager Charlet developed and implemented updated emergency closure signs and maps for the Oak Creek units which were closed due to fire danger associated with the Retreat Fire.
Yakima County Conflict:District 8Conflict Specialist Wetzel received several calls from the Cowiche area reporting elk in orchards. Permits and contracts were developed for that area.
Kittitas County Conflict:District 8Conflict Technician Leuck night hazed elk this month in the Park Creek, Poison Springs, and Badger Pocket areas.
Helicopter flights were used to herd elk from Park Creek, east Kittitas, and the Badger Pocket.
An elk was euthanized after being struck by a vehicle. Three different deer fawns were reported as struck by a vehicle and injured, but all died. A deer was reported to be tangled in a fence and unable to move. The deer was immobilized, freed from the fence, and released. Numerous bear calls were received in upper Kittitas County.
Rattlesnake Hills Elk Hazing: District 4 Wildlife Conflict Specialist Hand continued to spend time hazing elk out of winter wheat crops near the top of Rattlesnake Mountain.
Rattlesnake Mountain Wheat Harvest:District 4Wildlife Conflict Specialist Hand worked with wheat harvest operations to document crop damage impacts from Hanford elk. Many of the fields are yielding above average bushels per acre and the wheat kernels have good protein levels. Damage from consumption, bedding, and trailing is severe in areas adjacent to the Hanford border.
Rattlesnake Hills Master Hunter Season:District 4Wildlife Conflict Specialist Hand worked the opening day of the Master Hunter season and assisted with one elk harvest retrieval. Very warm weather conditions made hunting difficult, as concerns of meat spoilage becomes more likely.
Corral Canyon Injured Deer: District 4Wildlife Conflict Specialist Hand responded to a call concerning an injured buck deer near Whitstran. The deer appeared to have been struck by a vehicle and died while enroute.
Conserving Natural Landscapes
L.T. Murray Wildlife AreaRestoration:L.T. Murray Wildlife Area Natural Resource Technician Blore treated the five-acre fallow Ragland field for weeds. Hopefully, the wildlife area crew will be able to drill seed grasses this fall, and the following year plant shrub/tree plugs and forbs.
L.T. Murray Wildlife Area Vantage Highway: L.T. Murray Wildlife Area Manager Morrison, Assistant Manager Winegeart, and Natural Resource Technician Blore visited the corrals and pump house restoration sites in preparation of fall shrub planting. The 2024 spring favored weed development in this area. This coupled with the fact that this is the second spring after the Vantage Hwy Fire, led to thick stands of tansy mustard and tumble mustard in some of the deeper soil sites. These annual weeds will probably have little effect on the survival rate of the 40ci plugs that will be planted.
L.T. Murray Wildlife Area Cole Creek Bridge: L.T. Murray Wildlife Area Assistant Manager Winegeart and Natural Resource Technician Blore placed ecology blocks across an illegally created road on the Yakima River Unit that takes vehicles through the creek to bypass the collapsed Cole Creek bridge. Winegeart and Blore planned to block access to the bridge, but vehicles crossed the bridge multiple times while they were there. This led Winegeart and Blore to believe others could still be on the other side of the creek and they didn’t want to block the vehicles exit.
L.T. Murray Wildlife Area Vence Tower Installation on The Wildhorse Wind Farm:L.T. Murray Wildlife Area Assistant Manager Winegeart and Natural Resource Technician Blore supported the WLA Grazing CRM by helping install a Vence Tower on the Wildhorse Wind Farm. This tower increases the ability to track cows and provides a better virtual fence coverage of public lands.
Wenas Wildlife Area Weed Control:Wenas Wildlife Area staff members have continued spraying for weeds throughout the wildlife area. The primary targets this time of year are Canada thistle, Russian thistle, and kochia. Currently, the main target weed control is the feed site and surrounding areas.
Sunnyside-Snake River Wetland Management:Sunnyside-Snake River Wildlife Area staff members continue to mow wetlands in preparation for reflooding in the fall. Staff members have mowed several hundred acres and are on target to meet their goal of maintaining a 50:50 ratio of open water to vegetation within the wetlands. The coyotes also enjoy the yearly wetland mowing as it provides an opportunity for rodent hunting!
Johnson Wetland Harvest:Sunnyside-Snake River Wildlife Area Manager Kaelber coordinated with the Sunnyside Unit agricultural lessee to harvest the grass in the Johnson Wetland. The lessee cut and baled the grass, which greatly reduced the vegetation debris to improve open water conditions.
L.T. Murray Government to Government Training:L.T. Murray Wildlife AreaNatural Resource Technician Blore attended a Government-to-Government training in Olympia which covered tribal historical perspective, legal issues, tribal sovereignty, and tribal government.
LT. Murray Wildlife Area Corrals Kiosk: L.T. Murray Wildlife Area Natural Resource Technician Blore made repairs to the corral’s kiosk on the Whiskey Dick Unit.
Oak Creek Wildlife Area:Oak Creek Wildlife Area Manager Mackey continues working with various agencies and the California Incident Management Team 14 to manage various aspects of the Retreat Fire, including suppression, fixing of infrastructure, rehabbing dozer lines, wildlife area closures, public safety, and public information. As of August 19, 2024, the Retreat fire has burnt 45,601 acres and is considered 85% contained.
Region 5 (Southwest)
Managing Wildlife Populations
U.S. Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) Partners Program Site Visit: Biologist Bergh joined USFWS staff members and staff members from the Friends of the Columbia Gorge Land Trust to evaluate potential habitat improvement projects on land recently acquired by the Land Trust. The focal species for the work is the northwestern pond turtle, which has been proposed for listing as Federally Threatened. TheUSFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program provides funding and technical assistance to private landowners to improve wildlife habitat on their lands. The Land Trust has received a USFWS Partners grant in the past and was very successful in improving turtle habitat at another one of their properties. It was exciting to see all that could be done on their new property.
South Cascades Mountain Goat Surveys:Region 5 Wildlife Biologists Holman, Stephens, and Bergh teamed with Region 3 Biologist Wampole, Ungulate Section Biologists Moore and Garrison, along with Wildlife Program Director Borrego from the Nisqually Tribe, to conduct aerial mountain goat surveys in the south Cascades. The Goat Rocks Wilderness, Mt. St. Helens vicinity, Tatoosh, Dark Divide, Smith Creek, Bumping, and Naches Pass mountain goat populations were surveyed during the five day effort. Survey results will be compiled, presented in theGame Status and Trend Report and used to inform management of the species.
Thanks to Region 5 Customer Service Staff members Splitgerber, Rainwaters, and Kean for their assistance with flight following during the surveys. Thanks to Ungulate Section Manager Garrison and Contracting Specialist Luque for their assistance with the contracting aspect of this work. Finally, thanks to Pilot Pete Emerson of JL Aviation for his assertive but safe flying, spotting plenty of the goats, seamless logistics, and appreciation of the wildlife and comradery during the project.
Providing Recreation Opportunities
Water Access Areas: Access staff members encountered a large trash dump at the Three Mile access site in Washougal. Whoever did this not only pushed the trash out but threw most of it into heavy brush and briars making it difficult and time consuming to remove. It took access staff members a few hours and two full truck loads to the dump to remove.
Mineral Lake:Access staff members encountered a break-in to a closed restroom Thursday morning at the Upper Mineral Lake access site. Fortunately, there was no evidence of vandalism. It appeared to be more of an act of curiosity.
Bees:As usual, during the summer bees and hornets are a constant issue around access area facilities, especially around the Vancouver Lake area. Many nests are being discovered in door jambs, and even a shoe that was stuck onto a telephone pole next to the Langsdorf restroom. Access staff members continue to mitigate these persistent and sometimes very aggressive pests on a weekly basis.
Providing Conflict Prevention and Education
Trapped Elk Calf:On Monday, August 12, Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen responded to a report of an elk calf that was trapped in a pasture in northeast Clark County. The young elk had entered the fenced-in pasture with a larger herd two days prior but was unable to find its way back over the fence when the herd left the pasture. The elk calf had spent much of the day Sunday running around the 20-acre pasture, ramming into the fence multiple times in a desperate attempt to rejoin the herd. When Jacobsen responded on Monday morning, the calf had isolated itself in the back corner of the pasture and its condition appeared to be deteriorating. Jacobsen made the decision to assist the calf by removing it from the pasture and transporting it across the road to a wooded area where elk regularly retreat during the day. Jacobsen successfully chemically immobilized the calf with a dart gun. With the help of two neighboring landowners and their UTV, the roughly 80-lb. calf was transported across the road. The calf was successfully released into a field, where it wandered into a wooded area for cover. Hopefully it will locate and rejoin the rest of the herd in this area.
Injured Deer : Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen responded to a report of a sick deer that was lying up against a landowner’s fence. However, in the time that it took Jacobsen to respond, the deer had already expired on its own. Jacobsen disposed of the carcass.
Rattlesnake Capture: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen was contacted by a homeowner who had discovered a rattlesnake in her garage. The homeowner had been just a few inches away from the snake when she looked down and discovered it. Jacobsen was able to safely remove the snake from the garage and moved the snake to the far end of the landowner’s property. This is the third time the landowner has contacted Jacobsen regarding rattlesnakes in her garage area over the last several years. For some reason, the landowner’s garage area seems to be quite the attractive spot for these neat critters.
Injured Hawk: A landowner contacted Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen regarding an injured juvenile red-tailed hawk on her property. Jacobsen located the injured hawk in a large patch of poison oak. Jacobsen was able to successfully capture the hawk which was taken to a refuge. Unfortunately, the hawk had suffered a broken wing, which was unrepairable, and the hawk had to be euthanized.
Injured Golden Eagle: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen fielded a report of an injured golden eagle. After assessing the situation, Jacobsen determined that the eagle was a young-of-the-year and was likely learning how to fly. The eagle had been hopping around on the ground for several days. Oddly, the landowner who reported the eagle noted that he had not seen any adult golden eagles bringing the juvenile food on the ground. On Jacobsen’s advice, the landowner began feeding the juvenile eagle raw chicken from the store. After several days, the eagle started to regain strength and began hopping up on brush and branches. A few days after that, the eagle was able to fly away on its own.
Bear in House: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Officer Hughes and Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen responded to a report of a black bear that had entered a house, destroyed food in the pantry, and killed a small kitten in an upstairs bedroom while the resident was away at work. Staff investigated and confirmed the report that a bear had gotten into the house. Jacobsen set a trap for the bear, but the bear did not reappear at the residence. The residence and property contained garbage, debris, and food that had likely attracted the bear to the area. Jacobsen discussed the attractant issues with the resident, who agreed to make changes to the property.
Bear in Garbage Cans: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen responded to a multi-family property that was experiencing issues with bears. This was the third time Jacobsen has had to respond to the property over the last several years regarding unsecured bear attractants (garbage and bird food). Again, the landowner had several garbage cans that were accessible to a bear, which had apparently been coming up onto the porch nightly for the past three weeks. Jacobsen issued the landowners a warning to secure all their garbage in the garage. Further bear issues at the residence would be investigated by WDFW Enforcement staff.
Bear in Garbage Trailer: A concerned landowner contacted WDFW after learning that a bear had been raiding her neighbor’s trash trailer and spreading the garbage all over her property. Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen was able to get in touch with the landowner with the garbage trailer. With the help of volunteer member Smith, an electric fence was conducted around the dumpster to cut off the bear’s supplemental food supply.
Urban Cougar: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen assisted WDFW Enforcement staff members over the weekend after a cougar was captured on multiple household security cameras in southwest Vancouver. WDFW staff members confirmed that the animal in question was a cougar. Jacobsen patrolled the area and monitored for sighting reports. At one point, hounds were used to search for the cougar after it was reported moving west on the Shillapoo Wildlife Area. The cougar was not located.
Mistaken Cougar Sighting: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen was contacted by a landowner after the landowner captured what he believed to be a cougar on his security camera in urban Clark County. After reviewing the footage, Jacobsen confirmed the animal to be a domestic house cat.
Cougar Depredation on Unsecured Alpaca: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen and several WDFW Enforcement staff members responded to a report of a cougar depredation on an alpaca. The alpaca had been left out at night in an unsecured pasture. Jacobsen investigated and confirmed that a cougar killed the alpaca. WDFW staff members set a live trap for the cougar and were able to catch the juvenile cougar later that night. Since the juvenile cougar was alone (and should have still been with its mother) and displayed some odd behaviors that the landowner had noticed that night, Jacobsen euthanized the cougar.
Cougar Depredation on Unsecured Goats: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen responded to a report of cougars depredating on goats. The Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office had already been contacted and had killed two medium-sized (roughly 70 lb.) cougars before Jacobsen was contacted. Jacobsen confirmed the depredations as cougar caused. Jacobsen provided advice to the landowner on securing goats at night, as the goats had been allowed to wander a large, wooded property at night.
Reported Cougar Depredation on Horse: A concerned landowner contacted WDFW regarding injuries that she had noticed on two of her horses. Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen and WDFW Officer Bolton responded. After examining the horses, Jacobsen determined that domestic dogs were the most likely cause of injury to the horses. Jacobsen provided advice to the landowner on securing the horse pasture.
Elk Damage to Haystacks: A producer in east Klickitat County contacted Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen regarding elk damage to his haystacks. Jacobsen inspected the damage and will be working with the landowner on deterrent measures.
Providing Education and Outreach
Public Engagement: Private Lands Biologist Gray attended theSmall Forest Landowners Field Day in Longview, WA. Gray was available to interact with landowners at the WDFW table in the exhibitor area. Gray also spoke at an educational session regarding “Landowner Assistance Programs” along with Department of Natural Resources and Natural Resources Conservation Service. The event hosted up to seven learning stations, with ongoing topics cycling throughout the day. Each year field days are organized in different regions of the state.