Traditional Scottish Tablet Recipe - Global Bakes (2024)

Written by Tanya Ott Published on in Cookie and Bar Bake Recipes, Dessert Recipes, UK and Ireland Recipes

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A Traditional Scottish Tablet Recipe for this classic Scottish treat! This sugary candy is a bit crumbly and harder than fudge but still melts in mouth for the most amazing and authentic taste of Scotland!

Scottish Tablet is a medium-hard, sugarycandyfromScotland. Tablet is usually made withsugar (A LOT of it!),sweetened condensed milk, andbutter, which is boiled to asoft-ball stageand then allowed to crystallize.

Tablet is similar to fudgebut has a brittle, grainy texture, where fudge is much softer and smoother.

The first known mention of Tablet was in The Household Book of Lady Grisell Baillie in the early 1700’s. Call me a history nerd if you want but I think this book is fascinating! It is an account of life in Scotland from the 1690’s to the 1740’s and gives incredible insight if you are a Scottish history buff like me!

Tablet has remained a traditional treat to this day and I ate plenty of it on my last couple of trips to Scotland! I recently asked Tony from The Broonfords, who lives in Edinburgh, and Caroline from Caroline’s Easy Baking Lessons, who lives in Glasgow, what they think of as traditional and common Scottish foods. Tablet was on both of their lists!

Unfortunately, I haven’t found a way to move to Scotland full-time so I have to make Scottish foods as often as possible and also as authentically as possible at home. And I have perfected Tablet with this authentic recipe!

Traditional Scottish Tablet Recipe - Global Bakes (1)

What do I need for this recipe?

First, make sure that you have what need to make Tablet. You’ll need:

  • A heavy bottom LARGE pot
  • A long handled wooden spoon
  • 9×13 pan or larger rimmed sheetpan
  • 2 pounds of sugar
  • 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 cup of whole milk
  • 6 tablespoons of butter
  • Pinch of Salt
  • Some whisky, optional, but why not??!!

Originally, tablet was made with just sugar and cream but other ingredients have been added. Most recipes are so similar that you wouldn’t know the difference until you make them. The proportion of the ingredients is so important to get the right texture!

How long does it take to make Scottish Tablet?

From start to finish, you’ll need to be dedicated to stirring for almost an hour. You can’t really walk away to answer the door or sit on the sofa to chat on the phone. You really do need to stir for a good portion of the cooking process to avoid burning or catching on the bottom!

Even after the stirring is done, the Tablet will need to stand at room temperature until it has set. This will take at least an hour but I recommend leaving the Tablet for at least 4 hours before cutting and eating for the best results.

What types of problems are common when making Tablet?

There are a few keys to making a really good and authentic Scottish Tablet. If you have encountered any problems while making it or if you are about to make it for the first time, check out these tips below to ensure success.

  • If your Tablet is burned, you may need to use a pan with a heavier bottom that distributes heat evenly. Thinner pots and pans can have a hot spot in the center that will burn your mixture.
  • Burning can also be caused by not stirring often enough. With a large amount of sugar plus even more in the sweetened condensed milk, the mixture can catch very easily. Make sure that you keep it moving while it is boiling. It does have to boil for quite a while to reach the correct temperature for soft-ball stage but, trust me, it will be worth it!
  • If your tablet does not set up after sitting for 1 to 4 hours, you probably didn’t boil it for long enough to reach soft-ball stage. Make sure that the mixture reaches 240°F/120°C.
  • Tablet can become very hard if you go too far above soft-ball so be sure to remove from heat at 240°F/120°C.
  • If your Tablet is excessively grainy and doesn’t melt in your mouth, you may need to cook a little longer during the first step to ensure that the sugar melts completely before adding the remaining ingredients.
  • Another cause of excessive graininess is not beating the tablet mixture enough during the last step. It can be an arm workout but you should beat vigorously, without incorporating air, for AT LEAST 5 minutes to help set the sugar crystals as the mixture cools.

How long does Scottish Tablet Last and how do you store it?

Sugar is a preservative and there is a lot of it Scottish Tablet! This sweet treat will easily last for a couple of weeks. I have thought about making a half batch but because Tablet last for weeks, there really is no point in a half batch! And using half a can of sweetened condensed milk would be wasteful!

You should store your Tablet in a container that is covered but not air tight in a cool place. It should not be refrigerated or frozen or sealed airtight because of the chance of humidity building up. The Tablet will become gummy and sticky if it gets wet from condensation.

Optional flavor enhancers

A lot of recipes that I have seen for Tablet do not have any flavor enhancers in them. But I wanted to ensure that the flavors shine the way they should in this recipe.

A good dash of salt will not make your tablet salty but it will enhance the caramelized flavor. You can add more but I generally add about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon for balance.

You can choose to add vanilla as a flavor enhancer but I have gone with Whisky. I mean, this is a scottish recipe, isn’t it?? Trust me when I say that this Tablet does not end up tasting boozy. But just a touch of the sweetness is lifted out by the addition of your favorite Scotch.

I used Fettercairn but you can choose your favorite. I would not recommend a super smoky whisky in Tablet so save the Lagavulin and Laphroig for sipping later.

Traditional Scottish Tablet Recipe - Global Bakes (2)
Traditional Scottish Tablet Recipe - Global Bakes (3)

Traditional Scottish Tablet

Recipe by Tanya Ott


24 to 36


Prep time



Cooking time




  • 900 grams (4 1/2 cups) granulated sugar

  • 240 mL (1 cup) whole milk

  • 85 grams (6 Tablespoons) unsalted butter, chopped into 1 inch pieces

  • 397 grams (1 can) sweetened condensed milk

  • Pinch of salt

  • 1 to 2 Tablespoons Whisky, optional


  • Grease a 9×13 pan very well with butter and set aside.
  • Place the sugar and milk in a very large pan over medium heat. (Make sure that pan is very large because the mixture will bubble up and at least double in size.) Stir occasionally until all the sugar has dissolved. To see if the sugar has dissolved, carefully dip your finger into the mixture and rub between your fingers. You shouldn’t feel any grains of sugar.
  • Once all the sugar has dissolved, add the butter and stir until the butter has melted.
  • Add the sweetened condensed milk and mix well. Increase the heat and stir constantly while the mixture boils. Continue to boil until the mixture reaches Soft-Ball stage (240°F/120°c) on your thermometer.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and add the whisky, if using. Beat with a wooden spoon in the pan until the mixture if almost setting, about 5 to 7 minutes.
  • Transfer to your greased pan and spread evenly to the edges/corners.
  • Leave to set for a couple of hours or up to overnight. If you want neatly cut squares or bars, score the tablet in your desired size/shape about 30 minutes into the setting stage. Alternatively, you can simply break the tablet into individual servings once set for a more rustic look.
  • Traditional Scottish Tablet Recipe - Global Bakes (4)
  • Traditional Scottish Tablet Recipe - Global Bakes (5)
  • Traditional Scottish Tablet Recipe - Global Bakes (6)

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Traditional Scottish Tablet Recipe - Global Bakes (2024)


What is the difference between fudge and Scottish tablets? ›

While fudge and Scottish tablet may share a common foundation of sugar and butter, they each possess distinct characteristics that set them apart. Fudge captivates with its smooth and creamy texture, while Scottish tablet delights with its crumbly and grainy mouthfeel.

Why is my Scottish tablet grainy? ›

The best Scottish Tablet should be smooth and melt in your mouth. A grainy texture normally means that your sugar has melted too quickly.

What is the difference between Scottish tablet and Sucre a la creme? ›

Tablet is made of sweetened condensed milk, butter, and sugar, and is thinner, grainier, and more crumbly than fudge. Sucre à la crème leans on heavy cream for fat and is traditionally made with maple syrup or sugar.

What is Scottish tablet made of? ›

It is made primarily from sugar, condensed milk, butter, and flavourings, which do not contain any animal products. However, it's always a good idea to check the specific recipe or brand to ensure it aligns with your dietary preferences.

How long does Scottish Tablet last once made? ›

How long does Scottish Tablet Keep? Tablet is over 50% sugar and because sugar is a natural preservative, it means that if it is kept in an airtight tin and stored at room temperature, it can last for around 10 days. If you keep it in the fridge, however, it can keep for a few weeks!

Why does my Scottish Tablet not set? ›

From here, you need to bring it all to a boil. This is a really important step because if you don't get the mixture hot enough, the tablet won't set properly later on. The mixture will rise with heat and expand as it comes to the boil. Then, turn the heat down to a “brisk simmer” or medium heat for about 20 minutes.

Does Scottish tablet need to be refrigerated? ›

There's no need to keep the tablet in the fridge, in fact, it's much better if you don't. Just keep it in a cool room, out of direct sunshine and away from strong smells.

Can you remelt Scottish tablet? ›

If you pour it into the tin and it doesn't set, don't worry, just reboil for a little while longer (I've done this a few times) Also good with a bit of fresh ginger added at the beginning, flavours the tablet beautifully and leaves little exciting nuggets to bite into!

Can you set Scottish tablet in the fridge? ›

Pour into the tin and leave to set fully in the fridge for 2 or more hours.

What is fudge called in Scotland? ›

Tablet (taiblet in Scots) is a medium-hard, sugary confection from Scotland. Tablet is usually made from sugar, condensed milk, and butter, which is boiled to a soft-ball stage and allowed to crystallise. It is often flavoured with vanilla and sometimes has nut pieces in it.

Why is my Scottish tablet like toffee? ›

Why does the Scottish Tablet I make turn out like toffee? If your temperature is too high for too long you'll create toffee and the higher the temperature you go the harder the toffee will become right the way through to a proper brittle toffee which comes in at about 149 degrees celcius!

When should I eat Scottish tablet? ›

Also known as Scots tablet or Swiss Milk tablet, it is best enjoyed after dinner and is often seen at Scottish weddings or other celebratory dinners.

What is another name for a Scottish tablet? ›

Tablet (or taiblet in Scots) is a medium-hard, melt in the mouth confection from Scotland.

What are traditional Scottish sweets? ›

View Range DELICIOUS SCOTTISH SWEETS Include: Boiled Sweets, Caramels, Chocolate Creams, Liquorice, Retro Sweets, Rock, Soft Creams & Soft Rock and Toffee.

What Flavour is Scottish tablet? ›

Traditional Scottish tablet is a sweet confectionery made with butter, sugar, and condensed milk, cooked to a caramelised consistency. It has a crumbly and creamy texture with a sweet, buttery flavour – similar to fudge but with a more firm and grainy texture.

Are fudge and Tablet the same thing? ›

Tablet differs from fudge in that it has a brittle, grainy texture, where fudge is much softer. Well-made tablet is a medium-hard confection, not as soft as fudge, but not as hard as hard candy.

What is another name for a Scottish Tablet? ›

Tablet (or taiblet in Scots) is a medium-hard, melt in the mouth confection from Scotland.

What is a Scottish Tablet called? ›

Scottish Tablet or 'Taiblet', in Scots, is a traditional Scottish confection made from sugar, butter and condensed milk. It can also be found under the name of the 'Swiss Milk tablet' since condensed milk is sometimes called Swiss Milk.

When should I eat Scottish Tablet? ›

Also known as Scots tablet or Swiss Milk tablet, it is best enjoyed after dinner and is often seen at Scottish weddings or other celebratory dinners.


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