Read Record of Extinction Destiny Chapter 9: Any good deed can be rewarded [raw] English - Soverse (2024)


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Tianji Peak, Shixuan Cave.

Not long after the arrival of the Enlightenment Mountain Man, Fairy Xuanxiao of Sanxiao Palace and Empress Xuannv, the ancestor of heavenly beings, also came to congratulate them one after another. Shi Xuan invited them to his cave to talk about the Tao. Qing Suo Standing there, Zi Ying makes tea.

Wudao Mountain man is elegant and elegant, with long beards. He is a Taoist king who has existed in ancient times. He was a casual cultivator. He listened to the Taoist ancestors of Jinxian Taoism and the Lord of Creation. Later, he finally created his own “Taoist Master”. “Three Lights and Nine Transformations Purifying the Body and Mind Sutra”, after being appreciated by the Qingwei Taoist people, it can combine several acquired avenues, and use this to become a half-step golden immortal, forming “Yuanmiao Nine Transformations Shenfeng Qingyun”. By hundreds of thousands of years ago , and even witnessed the performance of heretics, becoming one of the dozens of top existences among the Half-Step Golden Immortals, and was recognized as the greatest supernatural power user in the Tongtian Realm, second only to the Shenxiao Palace. As long as you take that step, you can hope to become a person on the road to the wind.

Therefore, he said and laughed at Yan Yanzhong, and a casual sentence about the Avenue of Wind can make people suddenly enlightened. He is almost the incarnation of the Avenue of Wind, and he has great attainments in other avenues that can be understood by analogy.

Xianxiao Xuanxiao and Empress Xuannu are both half-step golden immortals who have completed the Daoji solution. One is mature and elegant, and the other is beautiful and radiant. Their clothes are elegant but reveal complexity and nobility in every detail. , Shi Xuan had to admire: “The Celestial Clan is famous for its outstanding appearance. Xuannv is known as the ancestor of Celestial Beings. Her appearance is probably one of the few in the world.”

Of course, their appearance is not the focus of Shi Xuan’s attention. On the Dao of Xiantian Yu and the Dao of Taichu, their mastery and understanding of their respective Dao are beyond Shi Xuan’s current ability. A simple sentence is often enough. It contains the infinite principles of the great Tao, and completely integrates the simple and profound expressions of the Tao, which benefited Shi Xuan a lot.

Although Shi Xuan himself became a Half-Step Golden Immortal only ten years ago, in the communication between the Tao Lords, he mainly listened, but occasionally said something. But he often gets to the point of the problem and is thought-provoking, especially his several speeches on the Avenue of the Wind, which made everyone in Wu Dao Mountain feel enlightened.

This made Wu Dao Shanren, Fairy Xuan Xiao and Empress Xuan Nu nod secretly. Shi Xuan’s ability to become a half-step golden immortal within ten thousand years is indeed extraordinary, and it was definitely not a result of luck because he became a chess piece of the Tao Ancestor.

Mo Jingqiu listened with a smile all the time. Daojun’s discussion of Taoism was of great help to her, and Shi Xuan’s performance made her feel impressed. Only seventeen years ago, she and Shi Xuan Xuan had many exchanges on the way to Taixuantian. Shi Xuan’s mastery of the Dao is far from what it is today. However, she also understands that after becoming the Half-Step Golden Immortal Queen and merging the soul with the origin of the Dao, her mastery of the Dao will reach a stage of rapid progress.

Ziying, Qingsuo, Zhanxian, Jiuling, Qinglang and Aogu are standing inside and outside respectively. But they all listened attentively to the discussion between their masters and Taoist Lords. This was one of the benefits of being a spiritual treasure, mount, and gatekeeper beast for a person with great supernatural powers. I don’t know how many heavenly monarchs would envy them.

Talking about Xuan for a long time. The enlightened mountain man chuckled and stood up: “That’s it for today. Mr. Shi Dao, you’d better stay at the celebration to talk about more about the Tao, so as not to find it boring later, but you have just achieved half-step gold. Immortal, he can kill a person who has been a half-step golden immortal as a gift for himself, and he will definitely not disappoint Pindao.”

It has taken nearly two million years for him to become a half-step golden immortal, and he is also a person who can become a Taoist by taking the last step, so he naturally has a wide range of friends. Knowing many Jinxian Taoist ancestors, and at that time when Shi Xuan entered the Great World of God Emperor, it happened in the Tongtian Realm, Wu Dao Mountain Master had a rough idea of ​​this matter.

Shi Xuan smiled and said: “I won’t let the mountain people down. After the celebration, I wonder if the mountain people will stay and continue to talk about Taoism?”

Shanren Wudao smiled and shook his head: “Pindao will go out this time. After congratulating you, Mr. Shidao, he will go to Chaoshuanghuang to settle a long-standing grudge.”

Xuannv Empress, who has a profound background and is rumored to be a disciple of Taoist Taisu, frowned slightly on her beautiful face, and said with a little sigh: “Shanren, you are the one who can get rid of the extremely evil king hiding in the chaotic wilderness. ? Are you ready to take that step?”

Shi Xuan didn’t know much about this ancient secret. Fairy Xuanxiao knew this, so she briefly mentioned it: “Back then, when Shanren had not yet become a half-step golden immortal, he founded a sect. But one year, The Demon King who was completing the Dao Foundation passed by and devoured the whole door. The mountain man happened to be traveling and escaped from the disaster. Later, after he became a half-step golden immortal and completed the Dao Foundation, he once found the Demon Lord to have **** with him. Unfortunately, Dao Xing If it doesn’t end, the Dao Lord will not die, but the Extreme Demon Lord will escape into the chaotic wilderness.”

Wudao Mountain Man smiled calmly and said: “Only by clearing up this cause and effect, can the poor Taoist take the last step of life or death with peace of mind.”

Shi Xuan thought for a while and said: “Shi will travel to the chaotic wilderness in a few years. How about you, Shanren, tell me the aura of the Extreme Demon King and so on. If I encounter him, I will record his whereabouts, etc.” I will send you the message after the chaos is over.”

Wudao Mountain Master is also not humble, and said calmly: “The poor Taoist will accept this favor from you, Taoist Fellow Shi.”

He changed his title from Taoist Master to Taoist Friend, and then slapped his forehead, and a blue cloud flew out of Niwan Palace. It was ethereal and ever-changing, as if it was condensed by the immeasurable breeze. As it blew, There are countless small thousand worlds coming and going, but in the middle of Qingyun, there is an illusory villain with eyes closed tightly. His breath seems ordinary, but it makes Shi Xuan, Xuannv Empress and other Taoist monarchs feel extremely terrifying.

“Is this a means of blessing from the Heavenly Sui Dao Ancestor?” Xuannv said in slight astonishment. This is the Houtian Dao Ancestor in Qingwei Tianzhong, and he is the Dao of the Soul, also known as the Dao of the Spirit.

Wudao Mountain Man nodded, Qingyun’s light bloomed, and he split the illusory villain into two with great difficulty. One of the illusory villains flew towards Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan caught the illusory villain that contained terrifying power and looked at the Mountain Man of Enlightenment in confusion: “What does the Mountain Man mean?”

Wudao Shanren put away Qingyun, and sent the information about the Extreme Demon King to Shi Xuan. He smiled a little weakly and said: “This time when we go to Chaos and Desolate, Pindao is prepared to use his own strength to end it.” Cause and effect, but it is difficult to understand the secrets of heaven in the chaotic and primitive world, and chaos is everywhere. The poor Taoist really dare not say that he can find the ultimate demon king, so I used the favor of the past to ask the ancestor of Tiansui to bless me. The Eye of the Soul’ allows me to discern some secrets in the chaos and get specific information from the souls of all living beings.”

“The part assigned to you, Fellow Daoist Stone, is not that powerful, but you can also ignore the obstacles of the Taoist Chaos in the chaotic world, send a message directly to the poor Taoist, or contact the Heavenly Lord and Dao Lord within a million miles. Several people are not disturbed by the Chaos of Lost Dao, so if you, fellow Taoist Shi, discover the whereabouts of the Extreme Demon Lord, you can contact Pindao without leaving the chaos.”

Shi Xuan didn’t expect that he would receive such a generous gift simply because he planned to form a good relationship. A few parts of this “eye of all the souls in the world” may seem of little use, but in the chaotic wilderness, sometimes it may be of wonderful use: “Thank you, mountain man, for the gift.”

However, Shi Xuan would not stupidly include the “Eye of All Souls in All Heavens and All Realms” into his own Qingyun. After all, he and Wudao Shanren were destined to meet each other.

Therefore, Shi Xuantan frankly checked the “Eye of All Souls in All Heavens and Worlds” in front of Shanren Wudao.

Because the path of the acquired soul can be derived from the innate path of life and death. And this is just one of a hundred illusory villains. Shi Xuan very smoothly confirmed that it did not have any secret imprints or other things, and then put it into a certain cave of his own, and only took it out when it was needed. come out.

After becoming a half-step golden immortal, Shi Xuan’s original cave sky was transformed into the “Yu Yu of the Shangqing Dynasty and the Great Yin and Yang Qingyun”. During the changes of yin and yang, countless small thousand worlds came and went, but Shi Xuan can also be free in the Yuan Shen. A cave is opened on the surface. No quantity limit.

It is better to be cautious about things like “the eyes of all the souls in the heavens and the world”.

Wudaoshanren was very satisfied with Shi Xuan’s caution and magnanimity. He shook his head and said goodbye and went out.

Seeing this, Xuannv also stood up and said with a smile: “I broke the promise of ten thousand years. I didn’t expect you to become a half-step golden immortal so quickly. If you need help in the future, just come and find me. I, in addition, take me to say hello to Shenxiao.”

When Xuannv left, Shi Xuan looked at Mo Jingqiu. He said with a smile: “Last time I went to Taiyuantian, I couldn’t hear Taoist Taixuan’s sermon. I’m very sorry. I wonder if Jingqiu will be free in thirty-seven years and we can go and listen to the sermon again?”

Mo Jingqiu smiled very happily. She learned about Shi Xuan’s killing of the God Emperor from Xuan Xiao. They roughly guessed Shi Xuan’s purpose of borrowing Hunyuan Jindou, and even guessed that Shi Xuan was going to solve it in Yuji Cauldron. However, things changed completely unexpectedly. Shi Xuan actually became a half-step golden immortal while escaping. So Hunyuan Jindou was borrowed in vain.

Before she answered, Xuan Xiao interjected: “Jingqiu is going to travel to other realms recently to sharpen her Taoist heart and prepare for the decline of longevity. Why don’t you make an appointment with her after she becomes the Heavenly Lord of Four Tribulations.”

Shi Xuan was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood the meaning of Xuan Xiao’s words. Due to Xuan Xiao’s return, Mu Jing and Chi Xiao both fell. I am afraid that some interested people would notice and explore the reason. If it weren’t for the fallen Jiang Xiao also has several Tao ancestor friends. Xuan Xiao is also a half-step golden immortal over the years and has met many golden immortals. I am afraid that it will be a big trouble. Still like this, the temptation has begun. Therefore, he temporarily puts the unlucky Taoist fetus on the stone Xuan here is actually safer.

“Actually, the situation here is more complicated and involves more Taoist ancestors.” Shi Xuan said silently in his heart, but it was difficult to explain. However, his family already has a Taoist fetus of life and death. It seems that one more Taoist fetus of bad luck would be a problem. nothing.

Mo Jingqiu smiled sweetly and said: “It seems that it will be a thousand or two thousand years before I can go to Taiyuantian with Shi Xuan to listen to the sermon… In the next two days, the future Buddha Zhuangyan, the Emperor of Chaos and other half-step golden immortals They arrived one after another, six in total.

In the early morning of the celebration day, Xia Jing and Qing Suo stood on the Yingke Island on behalf of their masters and masters, because those who came today would be Daozu’s disciples.

Fei Tong used to congratulate him in his personal capacity. Today, whether it is Lord Shuihuo or Lord Ba Dao, they are half-step golden immortals who handle the general affairs of their respective sects and can represent the sects.

After a while, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, strong winds, and it was almost a disaster. A jade boat that seemed to be able to take people to the other side slowly sailed out. There were many monks standing on the bow of the boat. The leader was a man with a face. A dark-skinned, solemn and majestic middle-aged man, behind him stood Shen Chenxi in blue robes and plain robes, and Lian Yu in brocade robes and jade belt.

Lian Yu looked at the Shangqing Shenxiao Realm with a smile and couldn’t help but said to Shen Chenxi: “Shen… Patriarch Shen.” Even after a thousand or two thousand years, this title still made him slightly embarrassed. This was something he could get back. The Patriarch said, “When you were in the Penglai Sect to overcome the decline of the Yuan Shen, Shi Xuan was still a powerful master of the Three Tribulations. But in just over a thousand years, I didn’t expect that he would become a half-step golden immortal. It’s really amazing.”

Before Shen Chenxi could answer, Xia Jing had already come up to him and said:

“The eight supreme masters of the Great World of Tai’an, Chen Zhenjun, Shen Chenxi, and the disaster **** master come to congratulate you on behalf of the sect!”

At the same time, a colorful glow lit up on the other side of the sky, transforming into a five-colored solid road, and a group of people walked slowly over.

Lian Yu only saw a brown monkey, and it flew over with a swish. He happily greeted the Five Elements boy and chatted non-stop, as if he was infected with Zi Ying’s chatterbox, and he didn’t care about standing in front. , Shuihuo Daojun with a casual and lazy smile, as well as Kong Ran and Jian Tonghui.

After a long time, Qing Suo woke up and said loudly: “

“Tongtian Great World Five Elements Sect Water and Fire Taoist Lord, Five Elements Boy, Jian Tonghui Zhenjun, and Kong Ran Zhenren come to congratulate us on behalf of the sect!”

At this point, Shi Xuan’s enlightenment celebration has two Taoist sects, eleven half-step golden immortals coming to congratulate him, and countless heavenly immortals and true immortals, which can be regarded as thousands of immortals coming to the court. (To be continued)RQ

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Read Record of Extinction Destiny Chapter 9: Any good deed can be rewarded [raw] English - Soverse (2024)


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